Why don't you enjoy a real year-end event on December 31 (Sun.)?
The sunset run starts at Gyulhyun Plaza - 780m behind the Gyeyang Station - a transfer station AREX and Incheon Subway No. 1 - and continues along the Ara Waterway leading to Jeongseojin.
Jeongseojin is the most western spot from Gwanghwamun, Seoul's central bub for all nationwide directions. While running along the Ara Waterway, you will enjoy a beautiful scenery of the mix-and-match between Han River and West Sea. The Ara Waterway ends at Jeongseojon, where you can see the falling sun at the end of the year.
The 12.7km-long race begins at 4:03 pm at the Plaza after a three-minute stretching by a former Korean National marathoner. The cut-off time is two hours. Don't forget the the exact sunset time, 5:25 announced by most of the Korean astronomical organizations.
Remember. There will be a flea market for running goods. You can bring what you want to sell or exchange. There will be tables for the trades: at no costs. Refunds and returns at traders' disposal.
Registration details
1. Number of participants: 333
- based on registration
- by registration order
(with fee payment done)
2. Prizes: none (no competition but fun)
3. Give-aways: neck warmer and gloves
(before the race)
4. Farewell drinks (one per person)
- Vin Chaud (mulled wine) for adults
- Hot cocoa for children aged under 18
5. Participation fee: 20,000 KW
(10,000 KW for a group of more than five)
6. Payment:
- Bank: 3560-00448-5623 (Nonghyup)
- Account holder: Honey Kim
- A confirmation message sent
7. Return after event
- 3.38km to Cheongna Int'l City Station
- bus No. 1 to Cheongna Int'l City Station
(with eight stops; every 15-20 minutes)
8. Hot sale: Running/marathon shoes
(15% off; for ASICS only)
9. Gyeyang Station time table on Sunday:
For your pleasant regstration, click https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1EDk3tPfja5FWOi3QDvy-h0NIkpMmqyT3qAqouxSZStk/edit?ts=5a2ab336.
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